Counseling | Renovation Community
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We believe quality, affordable counseling should be available to everyone- regardless of income or other limitations. That's why Renovation Counseling offers sliding scale prices and need-based discounts. 


Our counselors have trained at accredited institutions and are Licensed (LPC-A), M.A. Master of Marriage and Family Therapy (MMFT), or Practicum Students working towards licensure.  So, even if you are not a person of faith, we trust you will benefit from their professional assistance as you work through life's big issues.  How can we help you today?



Individual Sessions

Couples, family & group




Career Counseling




Life Events

Integrative Wellness;

 psychotherapy w/ body movement, stretching.

Dynamic Therapeutics; 

 animal, music, art, game-play involved therapy.


$65 - 45 minute session


Financial assistance available at discounted prices based on need.


Couples, Families, or Groups of 2+


Gottman, Family Systems, Attachment Styles, Communication & Conflict Resolution, Support Groups-TBD


$75 - 60 minute session


Blended Family Support


Financial assistance available at discounted prices based on need.


(Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts)


Pre-marital Assessment, His/Hers Workbooks & and  4-6  sessions based on counselor's discretion.




Re-marriage & Step-family 

Meet the Couselors

This is your Team section. Briefly introduce the team then add their bios below. Click here to edit.




Pastoral Counseling Director at Renovation Counseling

M.A. Master of Marriage and Family Therapy (MMFT) Under the Supervision of Vanessa Hamlett (LPC-S)


"Counseling allows me to walk alongside people of diverse backgrounds right where they are. My calling provides me with a unique opportunity to help others overcome barriers that inhibit personal freedom. My goal is to provide hope and tools for healing to those who need it most."


Please reach out if you or your loved one would benefit from new services including:

Integrative Wellness; body movement/stretches/walking incorporated with psychotherapy.

Dynamic Therapies; animal, music, art, and game-play involved therapy.


*Katie offers in-person sessions at our Fort Worth office or Telehealth video conferencing upon request.


Shanna Fontaine Headshot.jpg

Shanna fontaine

Addictions Specialist, Master of Marriage and Family Therapy Graduate (MMFT) 


"I know firsthand that God can overcome even the most difficult of circumstances through His power and love. My life experiences have inspired a passion for working with people who have endured abuse and the effects of drug use and addiction."


*Shanna is currently not accepting new clients. Please check back to schedule with her!


Shanna is primarily available in person at Denton Willowwood Church of the Nazarene. She also has limited availability on Wednesdays at Renovation Counseling's Fort Worth office and offers Telehealth video conferencing upon request. 


*Most in-person sessions with Shanna include the chance to pet her cuddly Labradoodle, Norman!


Enrique Martinez

Licensed Professional Counselor-Associate (LPC-A), Supervised by Vanesa L. Hamlett – (LPCs).
Consejero Profesional Lisenciado-Asociado


"My professional journey has been shaped by experiences in
pastoral work and clinical training in mental health. I was privileged to initiate clinical work with a diverse group of counselors providing support for various populations. The populations included adults and adolescents in group and individual settings; dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, and substance abuse. My belief is that life experiences shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. For some experiences, we have control while for others, we have no control or conscious awareness. As a result, the way we think, feel, and behave can become distorted and maladaptive. My desire is to collaborate with you to achieve your desired results"


*Enrique offers in-person sessions at our Fort Worth office or Telehealth video conferencing upon request.


Mi trayectoria profesional ha sido moldeada por experiencias en
el trabajo pastoral y la formación clínica en salud mental. Tuve el
privilegio de iniciar el trabajo clínico con un grupo diverso de consejeros que brindan apoyo a diversas poblaciones. Las poblaciones incluyeron adultos y adolescentes en entornos grupales e individuales; lidiar con la ansiedad, la depresión, el trauma y el abuso de sustancias. Mi creencia 
es que las experiencias de la vida dan forma a nuestros pensamientos,
sentimientos y comportamientos. Para algunas experiencias, tenemos el control, mientras que para otras, no tenemos control ni conciencia. Como resultado, la forma en que pensamos, sentimos y nos comportamos puede volverse distorsionada y desadaptativa. Mi deseo es colaborar con usted para lograr los resultados deseados.




Financial Assistance determination may take up to 3 business days for new clients.  If you are a new client hoping to receive a discounted rate, we recommend you request your first appointment at least 7 days in advance. Once you have scheduled an appointment, you can request a Financial Assistance Application to be sent through your online client portal. That application will guide you through the necessary steps. If you have scheduled at least 7 days in advance, and qualify for financial assistance, your rate should be adjusted before your first appointment. We understand that emergent situations do come up though, and we do our best to work with you!

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